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Choose To Win

Hello ladies, I know it has been a while since we have been together. I took a month off to rest and reflect, which I encouraged each of you to do when you can. It is very important to unplugged from the responsibilities of everyday life and get in tune with who you are, who you are created to be and where you want to go in life. It is not uncommon for us to lose ourselves when we are trying to take care of everyone else. However, I promise the world will not come to an end if you take one day to be with yourself and take an honest look at your current reality without the rose-colored glasses.

As mothers, wives, employee, and friend, we take care of everyone else except ourselves. One thing I have discovered, during my hiatus, is God is in control of everything, but He put me in charge of my life. Ladies, we have been given by God and the laws of man, the freedom to choose. It is not against the law, to choose to be happy, to choose to live in peace or to choose yourself.

Make Yourself a Priority

In other words, put yourself on the front burner. And like me, choose to win! Now, every day when I wake up I say “Thank you God for this day. Today I choose to win”. “Something good is going to happen to me today.” Then I go through my day expecting something good to happen. I make a conscious decision to have a great day no matter what is going on around me. When the unexpected happens, I choose to stay in peace. When a cashier has a bad attitude towards me, I counteract it by speaking kind to her and I choose to keep my joy. I know you may say that it is easier said than done. You are right. It takes practice and you must be intentional. You have to know in your mind and believe in your heart, you are worth it and say to yourself “I deserve to have peace in my life, and I'm the one who can make that happen."

Make The Choice to Win

I challenge you. If you make the choice to win the day, even if it’s something small, such as not getting upset when there are dishes in the sink, your children break something while playing or your husband/boyfriend forgot to get something from the store, you will win. Ladies, it’s all up to you. Make yourself a priority and choose to win. Choose to stay in peace by mastering your emotions. You can do it. Remember God is in control of everything, but He put you in charge of your life. Choose to win!

Love and Blessings,

Dr. Doris

Call To Action: Take a moment to journal the things in your life that you would like to change and make the choice to change them. Choose to stay in peace and choose to win. Practice it every day.

I am Dr. Doris, a Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor, Ordained Minister, and Women's Emotional Intelligence Master Life Coach. I want to personally welcome you to take a peak inside my world of encouragement and positive engagement.  In this space I empower

women to be all God has created them to be. 


I'm so glad you're here! 

Hello Ladies
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