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It's Your Time

Happy New Year Queens!

We made it and now we are ready to step into the dawn of a new year. It's time for Queens like you to embrace their inherent strength, unleash the power of your voices, and take control of your destinies. This is your year to stand strong and be unapologetically your true self. 2023 is gone and so are the failures, mistakes, and mess-ups from the past year. Ladies, I have said this before, God gives everyone freedom of choice. But with those choices come responsibilities and consequences. Whatever they may be in your life, you get the freedom to choose what you want to hold onto and what you want to let go. I know a lot of you, like myself, have had some extremely rough situations this past year and perhaps some bad things have happened. Nevertheless, you get to choose not to take any of that hurt, pain, disappointment, and unforgiveness into this new year. Make a conscious choice to use all of it as fuel to strengthen yourself and say yes to making this year the best year of your life. Queens, you can do this because IT’S YOUR TIME! This moment in time has been waiting for you. It has been waiting for you to shift your mindset and become strong and courageous. Say yes to making yourself a priority, yes to believing in yourself, yes to knowing your worth and value, and yes to going after what you want in life without an apology or an explanation.

Strength is not just a physical attribute

It's a mindset, a force that resides within each of you. Take a long look at your life. You have overcome countless challenges. Even those moments when you thought you wouldn’t make it. Which proves time and again that you possess resilience beyond measure. Queens, you are a big deal! Look at what you have been through and yet you are still standing. The devil took his best shot and lost. This new year is an opportunity to recognize and channel that strength, whether it be in personal relationships, professional endeavors, or just being a blessing to someone in your family or community. By standing strong you become beacons of inspiration for others, creating a ripple effect of empowerment.

Courage is not the absence of fear

It is the assessment that something is more important than fear. So many times we let fear hold us back from doing something we know we are called to do. But not this year! I once heard Joyce Meyer say "Do it afraid". That is such a powerful statement. No matter what others may say, believe in yourself and go for it. Don't be afraid to mess up. That doesn't mean you are a failure, it's just another opportunity to learn a new way of doing something. So talk back to the negative voices in your head and show them who is in charge. Make your voice louder than the voices in your head and the negative voices around you.

My sisters, amplifying your voice is a revolutionary act, and in the year ahead, let your voice be heard loud and clear. Not in anger, but in inspiration and empowerment. Share your stories, experiences, and perspectives because each one is unique and invaluable. Use social platforms, engage in meaningful conversations, and actively participate in shaping narratives. By doing so, you not only empower yourself, but you become a light to those around you and those coming after you. Remember, your voice is a catalyst for change, and your words have the power to challenge, enlighten, and inspire. Queens, It’s Your Time! Master your emotions, take charge of your destiny, set goals, and pursue your dreams with unyielding determination. Whether it's advancing in your career, starting a business, or embarking on a journey of self-discovery, empower yourself to make the choices that align with your aspirations. Walk in the power and authority that God has given you and carve out a path that reflects your authentic self.

Ladies, as you usher in the new year, stand strong, amplify your voices, and shape your destinies with unwavering confidence. By embracing your inherent strength, expressing your unique voice, and seizing control of your destiny, you make this year what you want it to be. IT’S YOUR TIME!


Love and Blessings,

Dr. Doris

Call to action: Click on the box to receive your free download of Six Mindset Shifts to Level Up in Life and be inspired by music.


I am Dr. Doris, a Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor, Ordained Minister, and Women's Emotional Intelligence Master Life Coach. I want to personally welcome you to take a peak inside my world of encouragement and positive engagement.  In this space I empower

women to be all God has created them to be. 


I'm so glad you're here! 

Hello Ladies
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