Good morning, ladies.
I pray you all have enjoyed celebrating and relaxing this past Memorial Day weekend. I had a thought that I would like to share with you. This blog is going to be a little different. Let’s just say it’s a conversation between sisters. As many of you know I am a Christian Counselor in private practice, and I love my life and I truly love my clients! Yes, I have challenges in my life just like you. But to be honest, I am happy every day. The reason is that I CHOOSE to be.

I hear stories every day of the pain and suffering my clients go through and it breaks my heart. I know as a child of God what hurts you, hurts him. It is not God’s heart that we suffer needlessly. However, there are things we are going to have to go through in life in order to grow. My mother would always say “Our trials come to make us strong.” I know for me, every time I went through something extremely hard, and thought I would not make it through, I did, and I came out stronger and wiser than I started. And when I looked back at the situation there was a lesson in it that taught me something I would need later in my life. Had I not gone through it I would have missed the lesson. In saying that, ladies don’t get discouraged or look down on yourself for the trials and tribulations you are going through right now in your life. KEEP IT SIMPLE stupid SISTER! I know, I know, I changed the common saying because I decided I don’t like it anymore. I will no longer accept any of you, nor myself, whom I love and who God loves more, to be called stupid. You are not stupid you are learning. With every trial and tribulation, there is a lesson in it, and you will need it later on in your life. I don’t allow any of my clients to speak negatively about themselves because we are all made in the image of God and that makes us somebody important. Yes, my sisters, WE ARE ALL A BIG DEAL! So, my encouragement to you as a Queen: Keep It Simple Sister. My encouragement to you as a young man: Keep It Simple Son. My encouragement to you as a young lady: Keep It Simple Sweetheart. My encouragement to you as a man: Keep It Simple Sir. Let’s all learn together not to take life too seriously. Everything that we may go through in life is not a be-all, end-all. It does not define who you are or where you are going in life. God gave you the power and authority to do that. It is just a situation for you to learn from. Remember, we are all here on earth to learn, grow, and learn from others who are different from us. I have said it before, God gives all of us the freedom to choose. However, with those choices comes responsibilities and consequences, so take your time, and in every situation and circumstance choose wisely, look for the good, and learn the lesson. And remember, don’t make life more complicated than it has to be…keep it simple sister!
My Prayer for you today is this: Father, I thank you for your love for my beautiful sisters. I ask you to bless their lives and give them love, joy, peace, and happiness. Heal them everywhere they hurt so that they can begin to see all of the wonderful things you have given them. Heal their heart, love them through their pain, and help them learn to live and enjoy an uncomplicated life, one day at a time in Jesus' name. Amen!
Love and Blessings,
Dr. Doris
Call To Action: Visit our video library to watch a short piece on keeping it simple.
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