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Leading Ladies-Navigating 2024 with Strength and Courageous


Hello ladies,

As you step into the year 2024, it's essential for you to embrace your inner strength and courage, navigating through challenges with resilience and determination. Ladies, as I said in the last blog 2023 is gone and so are the failures, mistakes, and mess-ups. Today, I encourage you to position yourself to lead and make a significant impact. It doesn’t matter if it’s at your job, in your social group of friends, or your family. YOU, take the first step towards a powerful 2024 and recognize that God has commanded you, like he did Joshus to be STRONG AND COURAGEOUS.  “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 NIV) Ladies, I had to recently remind myself of that scripture. Also, remember that each one of us possesses a unique set of qualities that makes us resilient, capable, and ready to face any obstacle. It's crucial to celebrate these strengths and use them as a foundation for personal and professional growth.

In this new year, I urge you to take an extra step to stay informed of what is going on around you and in our society. Especially with all of the changes taking place. We need to know how to pray, so staying informed is key. Be it in the workplace, community, or global issues, knowledge empowers us to make informed decisions. Queens let’s not do life the same as we did in 2023. Do not let fear or insecurities stop you from creating the life you want for yourself and your family. I encourage you in 2024, to leverage online resources, engage in meaningful conversations, and seek mentorship to stay well-informed and confident in your pursuits. Consequently, we should unite and support each other, fostering a sense of sisterhood that transcends boundaries. Together, we can help each other reach our goals, take care of our children, build resilient relationships and marriages, and unify our communities.

Courage is the fuel that propels us forward in the face of uncertainty. We are “Leading Ladies”, and we will embrace challenges with an open heart, recognizing that setbacks are stepping stones toward success. Whether it's in the professional realm, personal relationships, or family issues, approaching difficulties with courage not only empowers oneself but also inspires others. We have to lead the way for the young women coming after us. In 2024, let courage be the guiding force that propels us as women towards our goals, as they break barriers and redefine what's possible. As we navigate the year ahead, may every “Leading Lady” embrace her strength and courage, forging a path of empowerment, equality, and success. We are better together.

Love and Blessings,

Dr. Doris


I am Dr. Doris, a Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor, Ordained Minister, and Women's Emotional Intelligence Master Life Coach. I want to personally welcome you to take a peak inside my world of encouragement and positive engagement.  In this space I empower

women to be all God has created them to be. 


I'm so glad you're here! 

Hello Ladies
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