If you have been blessed to be a parent, your main job in the earth, is to love your children. And if you love them, you will train them and prepare them for a world that may not be so kind. “Train them up in the way they should go…” I have so many parents bring their children into my office and want me to fix them, but the truth of the matter is…a lot of times, it’s the parents who need fixing.
Your children learn first from you. They hear you when you think they are not listening. They see you when you think they are not looking. YOU are their first covering. YOU are their first friend. YOU are their first teacher. YOU are their first counselor. YOU are their first line of defense for whatever they will face in life.
“You are where they learn joy. YOU are where they learn peace.”
YOU are also where they learn anger. YOU are where they learn to be selfish. YOU are where they learn fear. YOU are where they learn to curse. YOU are where they learn hate. YOU are where they learn to lie. YOU are where they learn to steal. YOU are where they learn abuse. YOU are where they learn manipulation. YOU are where they learn to dominate. YOU are where they learn to intimidate. YOU are where their identity and self-esteem is established.
On the Flip Side....
YOU are where they learn joy. YOU are where they learn peace. YOU are where they learn laughter. YOU are where they learn courage. YOU are where they learn patience, long suffering and endurance. YOU are where they learn compassion. You are where they learn to be kind. YOU are where they learn the importance of family. YOU are where they learn to love. YOU are where they learn to be strong. YOU are where they learn to stand for what is right. YOU are where they learn they have a voice. YOU are where they learn their value. YOU are where they learn they matter in life. YOU are where they learn encouragement. YOU are where they learn their work ethics.
YOU are where they learn determination. YOU are where they learn to respect authority. YOU are where they learn to give to others. YOU are where they learn how to treat women. YOU are where they learn how to respect men. YOU are where they learn how to be and act like a man. YOU are where they learn how to be and act like a lady.
Parents, if you love your children, you will TRAIN them, don’t just let them grow up unlearned. Parents, IT BEGINS WITH YOU!
Love and Blessings,
Dr. Doris